Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tips to Recover from Back and Neck Pain.

If you have been injured and are trying to recover from a back
or neck injury, follow these instructions to speed recovery.

1: Apply Ice
Apply ice to the injured area as quickly as you can and continue to apply ice as often as possible for the first 2-3 days and at least twice a day until you are well again. More ice is better because it limits the swelling immediately. Be sure to protect your skin with a dish towel or cloth because applying ice for several hours can irritate the skin. Do not rely on salves, sprays or ointments to take the place of ice and do not apply heat. Use ice, frozen vegetables in their plastic packets or use a gel pack. Athletes know the value of ice so think like an athlete!

2: Stay Active and Lose Weight
Walking around, stretching and moving are important in the early phases of recovery because this helps the fluid to move out of the injured area. Do not just lie on the couch trying to avoid the pain. Getting back to work even in a reduced capacity is strongly advised.

3: Take Your Anti Inflammatory Medications
Begin Advil/Ibuprofen/naproxyn as soon as possible and continue these through the early weeks of your injury. These medications help your body to heal from the inflammation. Be careful to take these medications with food and stop them if you have an upset stomach.

4: Other Medications
You may be given a muscle relaxant and/or a pain medication. These are to be taken as needed and only when you are in severe pain. Do not drive or operate heavy machinery if you are given a narcotic or a muscle relaxant.

5: Quit Smoking
If you are a smoker, QUIT! Smokers have poor circulation and nerve injuries heal very slowly due to the substances found in tobacco. Smoking will always prolong your recovery.

6: Precautions
We do not recommend chiropractic treatment or deep tissue massage during the acute phases of recovery within the first 2-3 weeks.

7. Attend All Appointments
If physical therapy, physiatrist, pain management or neurologist appointments have been made for you, be sure to go to these appointments.

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